Saturday, February 7, 2009

Reality: 10.5; Feels Like: 105!

Ugh... I've been sick for 10.5 days now, but it really feels like 105 days or more! I'm so ready to be done with this cold/flu/virus/bacteria/whatever-it-is junk... My throat is nose is gross...and my head hurts... At least on the up-side, I actually felt like leaving the house last night and joined the "real world"...but, I still ended up having to come back home early... Ah well... A little at a time, I guess... I am feeling better, don't get me wrong... I'm just ready to feel 100% again...(or at least closer to 96%...) For those of you who have endured being sick with this stuff longer than I have, keep holding strong! And, here's to all of us feeling better soon!