Friday, January 9, 2009

"So Long," Decorations...

Ah...time to put the Christmas decorations away... Always one of my least favorite times of the year! But, has to be done... So, that's what the Ross family will be doing for the next few days...until it's all packed up and put away... For those of you that visit our home somewhat often, I'm afraid you'll be exposed once more to our not-so-decorative and a-little-more-empty house once this weekend's packing is over... We'll continue to add things here and there as we have time and money...some paint on the walls...hanging up some pictures...finally, hopefully, being able to afford some more furniture...and then, maybe it won't seem so plain... We'll see...

On a happy note, my sweet baby has her 1st birthday coming up soon! Unbelievable! Got to get things ready for that... What a celebration!


Unknown said...

Don't worry! It took us a long time to get our house in gear. The dining room, our bedroom, and guest room is all pitiful. Slowly but surely our house is coming together. That and many trips to the Ikea and Roundrock.

I can't believe she is almost a year!! Really, she is so beautiful.