Sunday, January 4, 2009


So, I guess this is the new craze - reading the "Twilight" series of books... Several of my friends are reading through them at the moment...and so far, I'm only hearing good things... Well, "hearing" good things..."seeing" only one bad thing - that everyone's obsessed and addicted! It's really got me intrigued... I may have to see about reading the first one in the series, so I can see what all the hype's about... I may be hooked before long...


Unknown said...

well, if you don't read them, just know you aren't the only one! I am really NOT into vampires. this is one series I won't be reading...

Kelly Newcom said...

It's totally true that you get addicted to these books.
Not necessarily in a bad way but in the "stay up till 3am reading because you can't put the book down and have to be at work in 5 hours" kind of addiction.

I absolutely recommend it.